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60 Seconds With Tanya Felton From Telstra

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Here are some insights from Tanya Felton – National General Manager, Health Industry Development. What is the problem to be solved at Calvary? Calvary Health Group is seeking to develop and deliver an integrated care model across each of their service areas.  The group is committed to delivering a better experience for patients and their families and solve the challenges of each health service area acting as a silo.  Connected, collaborative and integrated care is the journey and the goal.  The challenge is that there are many competing priorities for the clinicians.  The multi-disciplinary team has to continue to deliver a great service, high quality care,  treating patients and their families with respect, while doing this in an environment where budgets need to be managed and the performance from a quality, clinical and financial perspective needs to be maintained.  Why is the Design Thinking approach by The Strategy Group the right way to attack the problem? The problem is complex.  While there are technology solutions that can be applied to solve niche problems, these can cause bigger problems than they solve.  We needed to take a broader approach that considered all of the aspects and made us think differently about the problem and then differently about how we might solve the problem.  The expanded and sharper thinking facilitated by working with The Strategy Group will create something far more meaningful and useful than the individual components.  How is the project going so far and what results are you expecting? So far, the project is going really well.  Our customer has been really generous with their time and allowing our project team to get very close to the work being done by care teams.  Working with the The Strategy Group team is terrific and feedback from our customer and our team reinforces the value of convening a group of talented people who understand the business of healthcare.  The candid and honest conversation and the insights we gained were surprising.  Post information gathering, the guided workshops made have given us some really interesting takes on solving the problem.  We have definitely been looking at the challenges from our customer’s perspective and we have really been listening to our customer voice.  Why will these results be different from other projects Telstra undertakes? We have turned the process of customer focused solution development around.  As a result of the approach and the discipline of not getting into a product mindset, the solutions we are developing are things that will make sense for our customer.  We will test and validate our recommendations with the group we worked with.  The outcome we expect will be that we can provide something back to our customer that makes a tangible difference, is valuable and enduring – the connectors to their integrated care vision. 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