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Daniel Snell

Dark Side of Innovation Video

With the pursuit of any new invention comes the markings of failures and even unintended consequences such as data leaks and excessive waste – The Dark Side of Innovation

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Design Thinking Strategy conveyed through chess photo
Jeffrey Tobias

Using Design Thinking Strategy

Jeffrey Tobias, Managing Director of The Strategy Group, explains design strategy- the proprietary strategic methodology adapted from design thinking to fit the corporate and government world.

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Scentre Group Innovation Case Study Photo
Jeffrey Tobias

Scentre Group Innovation Case Study

Scentre Group is one of the world’s leading shopping centre companies with retail destinations operating under the Westfield brand. The Strategy Group designed a Venture Strategy program called Incubation Scentre, taking three top best ideas from conception through to market validation in just 6 weeks.

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Retail Shop Photo conveying need for design thinking in Retail
Jeffrey Tobias

Design Thinking in Retail

This 90 second animated explainer video describes how an Australian supermarket chain used the design thinking methodology to empathise with customers and create unexpected experiences in-store to keep them coming back.

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Design solutions that shatter assumptions, delight customers, and define growth possibilities sustainably
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